Now for some myths! Peridot was called "Gem of the Sun" by the ancients and they believed it had the power to dissolve enchantments and to drive evil spirits away. It is thought to bring the wearer good luck, success,and peace, while its powers include health, protection, and sleep. For a peridot to work as a full talisman it had to be set in gold which was thought to drive away terrors of the night. When ground up into powder it was used as a remedy for asthma and when held under the tongue it was thought to lessen the thirst in fever. When peridot was used as a protection againt the tricks of evil spirits it was pierced and then strung on the hair of a donkey and attached to the left arm. The advantages of peridot are to attract love and calm anger while also soothing nerves and getting rid of negative emotions.
Also many people make the mistake of pronouncing peridot like pear-i-dot whereas it really should be pronounced as pear-i-doe.